Noble, in terms of class and chemistry...

Private Membership share of gorgeous Naturally grown GanJah flower and resin in BHO and water/dry sift pressed and aged hahsish, the way Jah intended us to cherish this Godly resin.
Proudly South African, with in house Flower, Concentrates, clones and seeds.

Please note all products are only available as a harvest share of what was grown within the community's capacity. If you would like lifetime membership, discounts, freebies and shares in Noble Extracts you can purchase a Membership NFT on this site, feel free to reach out for more information.

Check Out the Noble Genetics website for membership and access to a lifetime of free seeds.

Experience the Harvest of Naturally Grown Ganjah Flower and Resin artisanally extracted or separated for your enjoyment

three assorted-color liquid-filled laboratory apparatuses
three assorted-color liquid-filled laboratory apparatuses
clear glass bottle on white textile
clear glass bottle on white textile
clear glass pitcher on blue square table
clear glass pitcher on blue square table

We offer a wide range of Flower, Concentrates, Clones, and Seeds

Our Services